Arcgis Attribute Assistant
At the 2011 Esri User Conference I attended many of the Local Government breakout sessions showing the benefits of using the. In one of those sessions they mentioned the power of the Attribute Assistant that they use in the and I thought it would be helpful in our efforts to create an address point layer for the county. I learned that the Attribute Assistant can generate new sequential ids for new features, it can populate fields in the new feature with values in fields of nearby existing features, and many other functions. I felt this would be handy to automatically generate ids for my address points and I could use the street name value from the nearest street to populate the street field in my address points layer, and I could strip the house number from my parcel layer. I installed the add-in shortly after returning home from the conference, but that was as far as I got due to the back log of tasks that had accumulated in my absence. However, the Attribute Assistant was constantly reminding me of its presence every time I started an edit session by telling me that I was missing a table called the DynamicValue table.
Attribute Assista ute Assistant is o Attribute Assista features. I am using the Attribute Assistant add-in to perform multiple steps when a. Problem with Attribute Assistant Expression. ArcGIS Attribute Assistant method not.
While I was trying out different methods of creating address points and populating their attributes, I decided to look into the Attribute Assistant again. So I did some searches on various Esri sites (resources, forums, support). I found the best description of how to configure the add in. This overview was still lacking in detail and made reference to files like the config file but did not give out the location of the file.
Or, it stated you needed two fields in the GenerateID table, but didn't specify what to name the fields or what data types the fields should be. So here is what I learned through trial and error: You will need to download either the Attribute Assistant add-in, or download one of the templates that has it installed like the, or the.
It would probably be easier to download a template. I say easier meaning the tables and fields will be set up correctly to work with the data from the local government information model. If your data doesn't match the model, you can change the layer and field names in the two tables the Attribute Assistant uses to match your data. The Attribute Assistant (AA hereafter) requires a table called DynamicValue to be in the map document you are working with. Natacha Atlas Rapidshare here. If you want the AA to populate an ID field with an incrementing value you will also need to have a table called GenerateId in your map as well. The GenerateId table needs to be in the same workspace as the data you are editing because the AA makes changes to the table by updating a field with the current ID value.
I was struggling getting the AA to work at the beginning because I had built my DynamicValue and GenerateId tables myself. I got frustrated and ended up downloading the water utility editing template and copied the tables from the template into my own geodatabase and added them to the map and deleted all of their records and created my own. Also if you download a template, you get all of the domains that are used in the fields for the DynamicValue table. Each record in the DynamicValue table is an action you want the AA to perform. The fields in the DynamicValue table are these: TABLENAME - The table or layer that you want the AA to update. You need to be sure you use the actual name of the layer or table, not what it is called in the table of contents.